This article covers how to upload videos and documents. For image uploads, head on over to how to upload images on Educa.
Video Uploader - Process and Display
Here's how our video uploader works:
Select video from your device (or use the Google Drive selector)
A placeholder video will appear in the story. This is a 2-second "placeholder" video showing you how your video fits into the story. This placeholder will stay here until we've hand a chance to convert your video into a browser-friendly version that works for everybody.
Videos can take a minute or two to process. Once saved, you might still see the placeholder if it's a larger video. Refresh your page until you see your video.
Videos display by default at 60% width.
Note: each video is on its own row. This helps preserve your story layout if you print a story - the video is not included in a printed story.
You can add as many videos into a story as you'd like and you can use the Move arrows to arrange them as you'd like.
Video Size Limits
If you can see a video file in our uploader, you can upload it. We accept most video formats - including MOV, MP4, AVI or WMV. The file size must be 300MB or less.
Videos will load directly into the body of your story or message, each video on its own row. You can then use the image mover icon to move the video up and down.
If you are having any trouble uploading videos e.g. due to file size, you can upload your video to another cloud service, like YouTube, and simply embed that video right into the editor.
For help on how to do this, head over to Uploading videos from YouTube, Google Drive & other cloud services.
Image Formats & Display
If you can see an image in our uploader, you can upload it - format we accept include JPG /JPEG, PNG, GIF and HEIC (the Apple format). There are no size limits.
Images load directly into the story or message body at 50% (2 in a row) size and center aligned. You can then hover over the image to change its size or to move it.
Attachment Format & Display
You can upload PDFs, Microsoft Word and other formats. If you can see the file in your uploader, you can add it to Educa. Note, because of the uneven display formats of Microsoft Word, we have an option in Settings to allow/disallow Microsoft Word uploads.
A Story Attachment will display a preview of the file in the story body and add the whole file as an attachment that a viewer can download. If you want to add content, use a reflection box, the story body is needed for the preview.
A Message Attachment is an attachment only. It does not show in preview mode, making the body of the message available for your content.
Note: If you're having trouble uploading a file, it could be because you're trying to select a file that has an unsupported format, or is too big.
How to Find Your File Type
You might see an extension at the end of the file, e.g., child.png. If there is no extension, right click on the file and select 'Properties' (if you are using a PC) or 'Get info' (if you are using a Mac).
On most devices, you can change a file format by selecting "save as" or "export" and then choosing a different format under the Format dropdown. Then save.
Internet Speed Issue?
It is possible, that your Internet is slow. Test your Internet speed here.