Every educator using Educa has a portable and private Teacher Portfolio, part of a Teacher Profile, a private workspace for keeping uploaded documents, portfolio posts, professional forms, and more.
Your Teacher Portfolio is mainly private, seen only by you, admins, and any peers or mentors that you invite. Each post can remain private to the educator or can be shared with selected mentors and peers, fostering a collaborative approach to professional development.
Ideas for your Teacher Portfolio
Educators can use their portfolio to:
Record professional development hours.
Write reflections or inquiries, backed by evidence in Educa.
Write journal entries about events or other useful insights.
Store documentation.
Each post added to your portfolio can easily be linked to professional development standards, child observations, and plans. Acting as evidence, these links strengthen your reflections and can provide meaningful insights into your practice through portfolio reporting.
Educators can assign mentors and peers within their centre to view and add to their portfolios. This allows mentors to post observations and appraisals directly into their mentee's portfolios. The mentee can then respond to their posts by adding their personal reflections.
Group Posts allow an educator to share a single post across multiple portfolios they have permission to contribute to. This can be utilised to share training notes and resources in a time-saving manner.
Stored in one central location, educators can download their portfolios by selecting the "download" button on their profile.
This will save their portfolio on their device and convert the content added to their portfolio post as evidence into a PDF format.
When a teacher moves to a new Educa site, they can transfer their portfolio. To start the transfer, ensure you have an account at both the current and new Educa sites. Add desired content (stories, plans, forms, etc.) as evidence in your portfolio posts on the old account.
Then, email Educa support at support@geteduca.com with these details:
Your old Educa site name.
Your new Educa site name.
Your email address.
Preferred start dates for the transfer, if applicable.
How to... Videos - Teacher Portfolio
Check out our handy "How To..." videos below to learn how you can:
Post to Your Portfolio
Assigning Mentors and Peers
Posting to Your Mentee's Portfolio