There are a handful of reports on Educa that educators can use to gain insights into the overall usage of your site. You can access the reports by clicking on Reports in the main menu.
Parent Visit Report
The Parent Visit Report shows the number of visits family members have made in the last month, as well as the total number of times they have logged in since they joined your site. This is extremely useful for identifying parents who may need assistance using Educa.
You can organise this information by last visit, visits this month or total visits. The information can be displayed in ascending or descending order by simply clicking on the column title.
Use the search bar in the top left corner of the report to search for a specific parent by name.
Parent Engagement Report
The Parent Engagement Graph displays and compares the number of parent visits, learning stories and parent comments posted per week over a selected period. This will help you identify trends of usage amongst parents.
Start by selecting a date range for the information. This is useful if you're just looking to review parent usage over a specific period of time. Click Refresh to update the graph.
Once the graph has updated, you can hover your mouse over the different weeks for each of the three lines to see the date and the total number for that week.
Stories and Comments Reports
The Stories/Comments Report shows the most recent stories and comments published on the Educa site within a selected time frame. You'll also be able to compare this figure with the total number of stories and comments published since you joined Educa.
By default, the report will show the total number of stories written within the last 30 days, for all children. You can change this by setting a date range for the report and selecting which class to run the report for.
If you want to see the comments for the same period, just click View Comments. This will show both parent and teacher comments in full. As an Administrator it's a great report to rely on to quickly view parent feedback.
Usage Overview Report
The Usage Overview Report has two functions.
Firstly, it compares the number of parent accounts with Child profiles since the start of your Educa site. If the parent line stays at the same level or above the Children line, stronger parent engagement is indicated.
Secondly, it will also compare the number of stories, parent comments and the comment/story ratio since the introduction of Educa. This serves an indication of how well parents are engaging with stories.
Stories to Print Report
The Stories to Print Report allows you to display a list of stories that are still unmarked as printed. You'll also be able to view a list of stories that have been marked as "Printed" or "Ignored." This list can be used to mange the stories that need to be printed from your Educa site.
You will be shown a list of all stories for you to mark as "Printed" or "Ignored". Once either the Printed or Ignored box has been checked, the story will be removed from your list.
The list can be filtered by class, so class teachers can easily manage the process.
Use the Stories Printed or Ignored button in the top right corner to access a list of stories which have been marked as complete.