Turning on story approval allows real-time mentoring around documentation, which can prove invaluable for junior teachers.ย
Prior to work being shared with families, designated "reviewers" must check the work. This provides an opportunity for experienced teachers to review the story and ensure it meets your quality criteria.
Setting Up Story Approval
Administrators can enable Story Approval via your Site Settings.
Once turned on, you can open up your Approval Settings to select who your reviewers are and which teachers work they are to review.
If there are teachers who do not need their stories approved, you can exclude them from this process. Simply mark them as Auto-Approve in their Teacher Profile.
Using Story Approval
If a teacher needs their stories approved, they will now see a Submit for Approval button instead of Publish. They will also see the option to leave a private comment for the reviewer.
Once submitted, the reviewer will be notified and they can access stories awaiting approval via the Pending Stories page.
The Pending Stories page will show a snapshot of the stories, which you can approve instantly. Alternatively you can open the story in full for more details.
Once you have reviewed the story, select whether to return the work to the teacher for reworking, or whether to approve the story for families to see.
Approval Comments
These comments are private between the teacher and their reviewer. These cannot be see by families. Teachers can access all of their approval comments through their Teacher Profile.