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DRDP Ratings - Assessment

Setup for Admins and Ratings workflow for teachers explained - for DRDP for Head Start and state agencies.

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Written by Educa
Updated over 5 months ago

Note, this article is for the DRDP only. For help on ELOF ratings, go here.

This article describes the Ratings workflow in Educa and the setup process. Educa has all currently active DRDP views available.

The Process

In Ratings, learning stories are the primary evidence to support the outcomes selected. Here is the process:

  • During the rating period, link to the DRDP from learning stories

  • At period end, in Ratings, add observations to unrated measures

  • Review outcomes and check the "Reviewed for period" box

  • Export Excel data to DRDP Online, PDF reports for families

Set Up Steps for Admins (under Settings on Ratings summary page)

1. Under Frameworks, activate the required frameworks - so that they will be visible in learning stories*

2. Select "Default" DRDP view for your site - under Settings on Ratings home page

3. To add or edit assessment periods, go to "Settings" on Ratings Summary page, then scroll down to "Rating Periods" and enter period names, dates then click +.

Note, Educa supports multiple and overlapping periods. (DRDP requires that periods be named as Season space Year, i.e. "Winter 2021".)

4. Set number of evidence items required, defaulted to 1

5. Update center info if you are using Educa to export data to an agency. For DRDP, the center name must match exactly as it is entered in DRDP Online.

* Educa supports one framework per child per rating period. If you need to change a DRDP view, for instance because a child is moving onto an IEP, this should be done at a reporting period change point.

Note, the DRDP Online uploader requires child data such as ethnicity to be included. This can be updated on each child's Ratings page, under "Edit Rating Info."

Individual Child Ratings - Work Flow

Click a child link on the Ratings home page or Ratings on a child's profile.

You will notice that a child's rating is pre-populated with links for your stories. Orange-highlighted rows indicate measures that have no linked story or observation.

To add an observation, either click the measure label to see all outcomes in detail or click on the outcome field you want. Select a date that is in the Ratings period. You can also add a story, but it needs to be written in the period selected to show up as available for linking. You can also go back to a Learning Story and change your outcome selections.

To mark "Unable to Rate" or "Conditional" - select from the dropdown on the right of each measure row. The U or C will be added to period selected, "summer 2022" in this image example.

DRDP Green Mastery Levels

For DRDP, the "Review for period" box needs to be checked for each child for each period. Review status is shown on the Ratings home page.

The green fields represent mastery levels. By default, Educa selects the highest rated outcome that meets your evidence requirement as the mastery level. Each level highlighted in green should represent mastery over time and in different settings. This video explains.

To change a mastery level, click on your desired outcome field and check the Mastery Level box. This outcome will then become the Mastery level and will be used in report exports to DRDP Online.


At period end, use "Export" on Ratings home page to export by class and view type. For more details, check out this article.

The PDF button produces a parent-friendly report for the DRDP view and period selected. This supplements learning stories.

The DRDP view can be changed from the default for an individual child using the selector at the top of the child's Ratings page.

Common Questions

What date is used for learning story evidence?

Educa uses the learning story date, the "when it happened" date for populating ratings. This story date can be changed by story editors.

For DRDP U (Unable to Rate) and C (Conditional) ratings register for the period selected at the top of the Ratings page.

Why are no stories available for linking from Evidence popup?

Only stories from the period selected will appear. If there are no stories for the child and period selected, no stories will show. If you think this is in error, you can revisit your stories and review the dates selected. The date can be changed.

Why am I seeing no periods?

If the default period is not showing, go to "Settings" on the Ratings home page and either select an existing period or add a new period using the date selectors.

Where do the Export reports go?

These excel data reports download to your computer immediately. And so please check your Downloads folder.

Does Ratings work for other than the DRDP and ELOF frameworks?

No. Most other frameworks are curriculum guides or learning goal frameworks, they are not intended as assessments.

What are the green fields on DRDP ratings?

Educa highlights the "mastery level" for each measure in green. By default, Educa selects the highest rating that meets your evidence requirement. You can override this by selecting a different outcome and checking the "Mastery Level' box.

Why can't I see the DRDP view option I need in the Ratings dropdown?

Educa offers Ratings for Preschool Essential, Fundamental and Comprehensive View and for Infant/Toddler Essential. If you do not see your required profile available for linking in stories or in Ratings, it will be because it first needs to be enabled on the Frameworks page (under Tools) by a site Admin.

When should I use the ELOF-D? (New York only)

This configuration is only to be used with the approval of your state agency. More the ELOF in Educa here.

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