Teachers are able to edit the full contents of a child's profile.
If you are a parent, you may be able to edit a select few options of your child's profile (such as their name, date of birth and profile picture), depending on the sites settings.
1: Select the "Children" tab in the Navigation bar to bring up your child's profile
2: Click on the Child's name or photo
3: Click "Edit Profile"
Here you can update information on the profile and we require the following to be added:
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
1x Family Contact (Name, relationship to child and Email) - Inviting family is done from the profile before you click 'Edit'
Other optional information can also be added like profile teachers, siblings and class/groups.
4: Select the orange "Upload" button to update the child's profile picture
5: When you are happy with the details you have added to the profile, click "Save" to save your changes