Here is a Step By Step Guide to get started on Educa that you can print out and use while exploring Educa.
Please also watch this recorded workshop that runs through the many options you have in Educa to set the site up to fit your needs.
This video reviews how Educa works for teachers, families and the set up.ย
Note, you can also activate the Getting Started Checklist forms in Educa - there is one for admins about setting up your site, and one for teachers.
Getting Started Resources - for Admins
Here are some guides and checklists to help you get started. There are also Start Forms in Educa you can use - for your site or for teachers.
Complete Site Set Up Guide - for Admins
Quick Start List - for US Admins (for US centers)
Templates for family consents: Download a Word document to use as starting point (available in English and Spanish)
Resources for Teachers
Resources - for Families
Video for families - this page has an overview for families and an intro video
Educa logo - download and add to your website with your Educa-URL as a convenience to your families and teachers