To add a child to your site, your Site Administrator can do so from the All Children page.
We require the following information to be added to a child's profile:
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
1x Family Contact (Name, relationship to child and Email)
Top Tip: Do not add special symbols or characters to students names. It will cause issues in the platform.
Unlimited family members can be invited to the profile later.
We encourage you to add a profile picture to make your site as personal as possible.
Once you've clicked to Save the child's profile, they'll be added to the All Children page. If you assigned the child a class when adding their profile, the child will be sitting under their assigned class.
Top Tip: Only linked educators and the family members invited to a child's profile will be able to access information about the child.
If any information needs updating once the child has been added you can simply click Edit Profile.
Site Administrators can set up your site settings so that parents can edit a child's profile once added. Centres will often encourage parents to write a short bio in their child's profile as a way to engage parents from the outset.
If you would like to add children's profiles in bulk, this can be done by sending Educa Support the details in a spreadsheet format. Please see Child Data Upload for more information.