Commonly asked questions and troubleshooting ideas
Story Search - If You Can't Find a Story
How to Clear Your Browser Cache or Cookies
Change or Reset your password
Editing or Linking to Parent Stories
Add Mobile Web shortcut to your home screen
Troubleshooting FAQ
Why can't I see all of my children?
Icons and Language in Educa
Upload data from Ratings to DRDP Online
Draft & Published Stories - Who Sees Them, Who Can Edit?
Who sees my Draft Plan, Plan and comments?
Updating Your Browser's Saved Password After Changing Your Educa Password
Translating Educa using Google Translate
Story Due Notification Bells
Student Passwords - Change/Reset Options
Managing Your Printed Stories
Programs for Distance or Remote Learning
Microsoft and Google Single Sign On (SSO)
Logging In To Educa - Shortcuts
Internet Explorer (IE) No Longer Supported
Calendar - Discontinued Feature
Educa Touch App - Discontinued Feature
Can't move photos?